While on vacation I was given some amazing vintage fabric from Ed's aunt. She said that she's had it for over 40 years but never did anything with it, and since she knows that I like vintage things, fabric and crafty things in particular, she gave it to me, along with some very cool carved coral beads that have an interesting family history that goes with them. I also have a large amount of vintage craft magazines that have some rather interesting projects and pictures in them, that I hope to scan at some point and post about on here. There is one picture in particular that shows a "cuddly" stuffed bear that has the most horrific teeth I've ever seen that I think are glued cowry shells. The grin on this thing is nightmarish! But, that is a post for another time and I will get on with my show and tell for today.
We have a small, foreign car that doesn't have many perks and has pretty small sun visors. Since we also live in the desert and the sun is constantly beating down on us, often when we are out driving around doing errands, we have the sun blazing in our faces despite pulling and maneuvering the sun visors. So, I decided to make some extenders. It was a pretty simple project that has made driving around much more pleasurable.

Basically what I did was measure around the visor and the length of the visor. I added seam allowances and hems for the sides and also added tabs to the edges for easier pulling. The fabric was a remnant that I got in a thrift store bag and is a thick and heavy home dec weight. It is dark blue floral brocade. Ed's side has an open pocket for sticking pens and the gate clicker, which he requested. Since I keep that kind of stuff in my purse I didn't bother with my side of the car (I do not drive). His was a little stiff since I didn't account for the thicker seam allowances by the pocket, and it was requested after I had cut everything out. But, with time the seam allowances have "softened" and it slides nicely for him.