I stopped by Goodwill this evening since Mondays are dollar days on the previous week's tags and after 5pm they reveal the new tag. Not much there for that dollar tag but I found one on a cheapo sheet that I will use for a muslin. But I did find 2 yards of some rad dinosaur fabric for a dollar (50% off tag) and a bag of thread for $1.99. I just now got around to opening up the thread and checking it out. I really just blindly grabbed it thinking that even if it's the cheap stuff I can use it for testing things out. The majority of it turned out to be Lily brand thread, originally priced at 19 cents. About half of it is still wrapped in the plastic sleeve that protects the thread. The other half is loose and very, very weak. I can snap a short length easily. Too easy to actually use in anything.
The greatest find in the bag though were 3 wooden spools of thread. 15 cents? From what little research I did on them they seem to be from the 50's to 70's. I had no clue what boilfast or fast to boiling meant, but apparently I learned something new today when I found out that it means it will retain the color if boiled, since before washing machines people would boil their clothes to clean them.
Ah, modern conveniences, how I love them so.

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