Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Word About Thread

I never have said yet, how I feel about thread. I started out with the cheapo stuff and constantly had problems with thread breaking, or bunching up at the needle hole because of a slub and then breaking. It's extremely frustrating to a beginner to have thread break constantly, even though you know the tension is correct and it's the right needle for the job. You start to second guess your abilities and think maybe you suck at sewing.

Don't think that. I swear, it's the thread!

But, lately I've been taking advantage of the 50% off thread sales at JoAnns.

Yes, I know some hate JoAnns, but when you are sewing on a budget you don't really have a choice of ordering good thread on the internet as opposed to a 50% off sale. The sale is just too good.

So, as I was saying, lately I've been using the better stuff like Gutermann for the plain thread, top stitching and such. Boy can I tell a difference! It's like night and day. Coats and Clark Dual Duty XP is better than the Dual Duty Plus (found at Walmart often), but I am just blown away with how Gutermann handles. I haven't yet tried the fun metallics and specialty threads, although I do eye them often, but those will be my next step when I'm confident that I won't waste my money because I am not skilled enough to work with those thread types.

There comes a time, when on a budget when the cheapest isn't always the best. You might save a pocketful of money buying a lesser brand, but in terms of ease of use, and quality, stepping up to the "little more expensive" item can be a better choice. I think that I will still use the lesser brands for my practice pieces and muslins, but for the final piece I will be going with the good stuff, provided I can afford it stays within the budget I allow myself.

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