Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm Not Gone, Just Forgotten

I'm still around. My "almost" MIL is still staying with us and making use of the new sewing machine, while I learn to crochet and buy more fabric (well, thrift store fabric and Jo-Ann sales). It's about the only getting out I do while I recover from back surgery.

Speaking of which, I'm healing. Having to deal with gross wound care that makes me queasy and taking it easy mostly. No sewing done. Leaning over and keeping the foot to a pedal sounds easy but when you've had your back opened up, it doesn't sound like something fun to do. Nope, not just yet anyways. Plus there are the heavy duty meds and I think it even says on the bottle not to use heavy machinery...which isn't really a sewing machine, but with that sharp needle just sitting there waiting for my innocent finger to come close, I think it's better that I refrain from using it for a bit.

I have a no bending rule, so I got one of those hand-held gripper things. It's a lifesaver! It can't pick up anything heavy but for picking up something dropped (or stored) on the floor, it's great. Helps for reaching something on the top level of the cabinet too.

As for the crochet, I have completed a small purse using half double crochet and am finishing up the strap for it. I'll take pics (which means Ed will take pics) of it and post about it soon. While it's not sewing exactly, it's closely related since it does at least use fibers of some sort. It's my first ever crochet piece and I think it's pretty cool. My first knitted piece was a scarf, and this is just a teeny bit more advanced than that, so I feel all kinds of proud of myself.

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