Sunday, September 28, 2008

Thrift Store Find - Book

I found in a thrift store the other day, Better Homes and Gardens Sewing Book from 1970. I'm sure this little gem sat there for some time before I came across it. It is actually a binder book, similar to what you use in school, with pages that come out. But it is filled with a ton of useful information that I couldn't find in my other (admittedly a limited selection) sewing books.

It talks about things like how to make a ribbon waistline so that your dress doesn't pull out of shape, and how to line a garment, which I really needed to know! I've been looking for a book about lining for some time now.

The illustrations and explantions are great and put across their point. I haven't even finished reading it yet and in love with it. I think I'll be referring back to it quite often, as I do with "Fit for Real People". Plus, the little line drawings of the ladies are just too cute, aren't they?


  1. Hey, thanks for the heads up on the book! I'll be on the lookout for it!
